Monday, September 26, 2011

Too busy to blog!

Okay, I admit, (well really both Sam and I) that we have been terrible at this whole blogging thing! We went from enjoying our summer vacation right back into being busy with school and work. So I will list some things that I/we have been doing lately on the green side of life...

Smoothies!! Sam got me into making smoothies with fruits, veggies, and sometimes even nuts. I really have enjoyed how many fruits and veggies you can get in your day in just one meal. Some of my smoothies have included: rice milk, almond milk, peanut butter, almonds, flax, seaweed, oats, apples, bananas, oranges, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, plums, apricots, acai berry, pluots, spinach, cucumber, grapes, spirulina, echinacea, water, ice cubes, etc.

I raid the fridge and cabinets and add whatever I can find!

We also have been cooking things from Mama Pea's new cookbook Peas and Thank You. We love it! Our goal was to try to win it off one of Mama Pea's contests, but Sam gave in and bought it instead. I am sure glad she did. One of our favorites is the Dough Balls. They are a drier cookie than usual, but delicious. And if you let them sit out for three days (not recommended) in the summer humidity, they really get a lot more moist.

Another thing Sam caved in and bought is a juicer...I'm glad she did this too! She is a great friend...she makes me dinner once in a while, and I get to go over to her and Troy's house and use all their fun and nerdy (As Seen On TV) gadgets. We are young 20-somethings and overly nerdy about nutrition. So our new thing is creating new and exciting juices, oh, and sneaking cucumbers into Troy's juice.

Documentaries! Once again, I wanted something, and then Sam and Troy caved and bought me it! They are such good friends...buying me all these things I want, like Netflix (or is is "Qwikster" now? That sounds like a cleaning product)! Kidding aside (kinda), we have watched lots of foodie documentaries that make you want to barf, run away, and piss on the government, sometimes all at the same time.

So since we have been hitting the books, working, and living our lives, we have continued to work on being green all throughout our lives. One of the best compliments I have continued to receive is how nice my skin looks! It is amazing what eating well, eating mostly organic, cutting out some meat and dairy, and attempting to exercise can do to your health. Now if my arthritis and Lyme Disease would catch on and start feeling better, life would be much better! Life is pretty good!